Thursday, February 7, 2008

So, an observant reader might notice the "Working Title" link added to my links section. That would be another blog I've made. That will be focused on gaming, for now at least. Thanks to some stupidity with the way Blogger and Google are connected, it'll be easier for me to log in to post in that one, so I might just switch to it entirely.

So, things are going pretty okay for me. The economics class I'm taking it absurdly easy thus far, and I've little doubt that'll go well. Algorithms will be difficult but nothing I can't handle I think. I'm not sure with Survey of Programming languages yet; we still haven't gotten any grades yet. Lastly, the freehand drawing class... I'm not going to enjoy it, but I think I can do well enough to pass.

I am semi-gainfully employed now, developing new robots for students in the robotics course. Essentially, I come to the lab in the mornings with some sort of goal given to me, and then the professor leaves and I get to building things with legos. It's awesome. I don't know for certain how the pay is going to be yet; there's a lot of red tape I'm battling through there. Once I know, I might ask about more hours. A modified version of my first design is being used right now, so we'll see how it does. I may have mentioned this before, but the professor I'm doing this work for will be writing a robotics textbook next fall, and there is a high probability of my designs being used in it. This possibility is incredibly awesome.

My senior project is also going well. Just tonight, I came up here having allocated three hours to pound at this thing. In 45 minutes, I had gotten everything I set out to do done, and in the process completed tasks I hadn't even intended to be working on. Tomorrow I need to talk to my advisor about the next step, but things are going along quite well.

And well... Really, that's it. Talmirah has slowed down a lot, but I'm not surprised by that. Kinda wondering what happened to Alesch, but other than that I figure it's just people getting back to school or work (but mostly school). I don't really have a lot else going on. I've been playing God of War II lately. It's awesome. Uh... Other than that I eat, sleep, work, and bullshit on the internet. So it goes.

And I'm out of things to say. Publish post!


Sky_Paladin said...

Congratulations on your new job. That sounds like a lot of fun! Actually, my boss is doing something with Lego Mindstorms at the moment, getting multiple robots to respond to key board presses and we have a division researching automous ground vehicles. If you want, drop me an e-mail on and I'll put you in touch with someone here. There might be an opportunity for mutual learning.

One question because I am a nub - what is Talmirah? Is she hot?

Please keep up the gaming blog. I've seen Dani's and they have great potential to be informative and a lot of fun. I'll be sure to keep a close eye on it.

Take care, be well, and good luck with all you do.

Proven Paradox said...

Heh. Talmirah is my play-by-post DnD game. You can check Under Construction to spectate, and if you'd like to participate write up a character and I'll put you in as an alternate if a player vanishes.

Alesch is AWOL from it at the moment. You may get in after this dungeon crawl.

As for the "mutual learning" opportunity... That sounds pretty good actually. Lemme think on that.