Monday, December 31, 2007


Until very recently, I never had vivid dreams when sleeping. Everyone dreams--it's semi-random neurons firing when one sleeps, and if your brain isn't doing that then you're probably dead or in a coma. Anyone who says they don't dream when they sleep usually just can't remember their dreams.

Lately, I've been becoming more aware of mine. They've become more vivid. In the past, they were just vague images that didn't make sense, whereas lately they have characters I can remember and semi-cohesive plots (as far as dreams go, anyway). I can rarely remember anything about them an hour or so after I wake other than the sense of "wow, that was weird in a cool way, and I wish I could go back and finish that off." I've been pondering the possible implications of this, and my hope is that this means I'm getting caught up on the massive college-induced sleep debt I've worked up over the years.

This morning, I remembered vivid details on a dream for the fist time. I'm honestly rather excited about this, 'cause it was a pretty fun dream. Apparently it was set in a DnD universe, and this time I was playing a halfling rogue specialized in throwing weapons--an archetype I quite enjoy playing when I get the chance, I know it was a halfling because my view of the world was very close to the ground, and I remember having to look up at everything. I know it was a rogue because once in a while I'd throw a knife at the random orc and "Sneak attack: ##" would appear above them, and they would promptly die. The damage values from the sneak attacks were consistent, even; based on those, I'd guess I was around level 16 or so. The end of the dream was the appearance of a dude I know from reality. Real nice, real timid dude. He proceeded to one-shot the party tank. I got a couple of sneak attacks off, and it didn't even phase him. About then, the dog started barking and I woke up.

I dunno, it's just something that's sticking out as really, really unusual for me. I figure if nothing else it'd be good to have this up here for myself, in case I forget tomorrow.

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