Thursday, July 5, 2007

People always screw things up

I think I can finally point to a very specific reason I am primarily a console gamer instead of a PC gamer.

With console games, other people are optional. When other people get involved in the game, inevitably, SOMEONE is going to fuck things up. Be it the leecher who sits and does nothing while you fight or the asshole GM who refuses to acknowledge other player's opinions or concerns, even berating them in the process.

Thus, with that thought, I shall return to playing Paper Mario. There, at least, if something screws up, it's clearly my fault and there is probably something I can do to fix things. /bitter

1 comment:

Bell said...

Even with this problem, games with people draw me more than those without...I lose interest too fast if there aren't others with me.

Often though, I'm the one screwing up...
