Thursday, July 19, 2007

So many ways to communicate, but nothing to say...

So, here I am, thinking, "I should make a post in my blog." Naturally, the next thought is, "What should I post about?"

I draw a complete blank. There is nothing going on in my life right now, and on some level I suppose I'm bored out of my mind. Yet at the same time, I know I'm going to look back on the summer and miss it when classes kick in and I'm struggling to meet multiple deadlines that all "happen" to be on the same day.

My average day right now consists of waking up sometime in the middle of the afternoon, engage in inane and essentially worthless discussion with classmates in an unbearably easy literature class with peers who are, for the most part, not worth my time. The professor is a pretty cool dude, but he rarely posts; I guess he prefers to leave the discussions to the students. After that, it's a combination of video games, posting on UC, DnD related writing, or just generally wasting time on TEH INTERNETS. Maybe a DnD game, but lately that's been getting harder to do. Repeat in whatever combination you like until... Probably around 9:00 this morning, and move on through the day until it gets back to a normal schedule.

It depresses me. It depresses me even more that in about a month, I'll be looking back on these idle days and thinking about how good I had it. Though then, I might actually have more human contact to work with--it's quite likely I'll run my current DnD campaign for people at Hendrix. One semi-friend asked (read: almost begged) me to run a game when I described my views on some DnD rules. Hopefully that'll go well.

Meh, I guess I'm just in a general funk right now. Losing that job was a bad deal for me, and now I just don't have a lot to do. And I don't see any way out of this, save waiting for college to restart.

Eh. Seems everyone's just havin' a bad time right now. Such is life, I suppose.

1 comment:

Bell said...

I am doing my best to make your days a little more bearable with some friendly conversation, though I know that is little substitute for something to actively do during the day. Probably soon I will send you another letter, this one with glitter un-stuck. Probably with many more hearts and rainbows and colors to make up for the last one being bunk. ♥