Thursday, October 25, 2007

I am Paradox. Listen to me bitch.

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.

Blarg. I've been getting sick a lot lately. I've got some kind of minor headcold that's just minor enough that I can't really skip classes over it without feeling like a slug, yet just major enough that I'm pretty much worthless as far as getting work done.

I'm not sure if I have a fever, and I guess I'm never going to know. See, they put the nurse's office on the other side of campus, so if you're sick, you have to walk approximately one mile to see the nurse. I think this was a not-so-subtle way of saying "Just don't get sick, and if you do, just stay in bed and lose credit in your classes because you're weak and don't deserve to go here and we hate you." At the very least, it was very, very poor planning. I don't have the energy to walk over there. I'm probably just going to miss class tomorrow; if I call my professors and let them know ahead of time, they'll probably be cool with it. Maybe I could even get the Discrete test pushed back to Monday instead of Friday if I'm still feeling this shitty.

Speaking of abnormal behaviors (shut up, I totally was), I've been getting a lot of sleep lately. Never at night, though; as I type this sentence, the clock ticks on to 2:28 AM, and I've been up since 8:00 PM. I've been averaging about nine hours of sleep a day (rarely continuous, but such is life). Yet in spite of getting more sleep than I've gotten since summer, I'm still always sleepy. I've been experiencing life through this lethargic haze that makes working really, really difficult.

My browser for Programming Practicum is actually shaping up to be pretty cool. It's basically two internet windows glued together; one can be on one page, and the other can be on another. Useful for making, say, character sheets while using the API as a reference.

Ah, character sheets... That brings me to a wonderful segue to Under Construction. Basically it's dieing, and it's happening exactly as I figured it would when I converted it. People have to leave for real-life matters, and meanwhile no one is coming in. Crys leaves because of college, Brian leaves because of life (and doesn't tell me; I should thank Chase for letting me know that he'd quit sometime). Everyone who's still there is posting slower, and that includes me too. I've seen this several times before; this is the website's death cries; unless I get a transfusion of new members, it will slowly bleed out.

My work drive is non-existant, my head's pounding, I'm behind in AI and Practicum, I feel like I need sleep even when I clearly don't, my friends are in the middle of an argument that should have ended two months ago, and to top it all off I'm using my blog as a bitch space (something I told myself I would NEVER do), but hey, there is some good news! I beat Final Fantasy Tactics for the first time last week! And I'm on the final dungeon in Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga II!

*Headdesk* So I'mma post this now before I read it over again and decide it's too angsty to post. With any luck, I'll come to regret it later. *Post*

1 comment:

Bell said...

Psh. What are blogs for if not for complaining? Besides, seems you have legitimate reasons to be upset.

About the sleeping: you could have a sleeping disorder. Sometime when you're not feeling sick, you should talk to someone about it.