Monday, April 21, 2008

And a lead in to another jobless summer...

Indeed, summer is on the way, and once again I lack gainful employment, as well as any prospects of obtaining such employment. The situation's even worse than it was last year. I was turned down for all of my summer research opportunities, and there are no internships available anywhere as far as I can tell. We're in a recession, and thus I doubt I can get a job as something besides an intern at this point; no one wants to hire a full-time student who is going to go back to college in a few months. My parents remain hopeful that I could find something, but I think it's too little too late at this point.

I guess that means I'll have time to develop my various DnD related projects--I haven't worked on DDSd20 since before Spring Break, and I really do want to finish it. I also want to develop a few more aspects of Talmirah sometime as well. The problem is that I don't really have the drive to do anything right now. Perhaps being back home will help that along. If I really devoted myself to it, I could probably finish it up in a week or two, but I know that I don't have that kind of drive; it'll probably take twice that.

In other news, I deleted all my characters on Dark Iron. I don't think anyone's noticed yet. This was brought on by a brief conversation with TWAL; he logs on and asks what everyone's up to. I reply something along the lines of, "Random questing." He replies, "Sounds fun." "Not really." "Then why are you doing that?" Now, at this point I just gave him a bullshit answer, but that actually started me thinking--why WAS I doing that? What was I even doing? I examined my strategy--Open with Seal of the Crusader, use Judgement, then put up Seal of Righteousness. Hit the enemy until they die, heal up, find new enemy, repeat. At the time, I was killing wolves. I reflected on what I had been doing 25 levels earlier--exactly the same thing. The numbers were just a bit bigger than before. Also, within the span of 15 minutes, I got killed twice by hoard players whose levels were too high for me to see. That was enough; fuck that game. I threw all my crafting materials into the guild bank, sold everything I could, shoved my money into the vault as well, and just hit delete. I don't think I'll ever pick it up again, and if I do, it sure as hell won't be on a PVP server.

The one thing that had me pause was reflecting on the guild members--there were several genuinely cool people there, and if they'll have me I might continue hanging out on the Vent channel. I definitely won't keep playing with them again, though--it seems my sentiment about high level destroying lowbies being bullshit was shared by many, but no one seemed to dislike it enough to actually move.

Heh, I halfway expect to get a frenzied "WTF?" from Dani or possibly (but probably not) TWAL over AIM not long after I post this. That'll be fun. Oh well. Publish post.